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The first signs of kidney disease

 There are millions of people with kidney disease and most of them do not know it, although there are some signs and symptoms of kidney disease, these signs are often attributed to other diseases, this is why kidney disease is often known as the silent killer because most people who suffer Also, the diagnosis of kidney disease can be difficult because the signs and symptoms of kidney disease do not appear in the early stages and the disease can easily progress undetected in most patients until the later stages after the condition have progressed and kidney damage, that is one reason only 10% of people with chronic kidney disease know they have the disease.

The first signs of kidney disease

Kidney disease, like many other diseases, can be treated. If the disease is diagnosed early, kidney disease often indicates long-term injury or damage to the kidneys. How do I know if the kidneys are inflamed? Although the only way to be certain of infection is through medical tests, several possible signs and symptoms may indicate kidney disease. [1]

stages of kidney disease

People with kidney disease may not know that something is different, and people may not feel anything wrong before a loss of kidney function. Kidney disease occurs slowly and in stages. Early detection and proper treatment can help prevent kidney disease from getting worse and doing less harm.There 5 phases of CKD and each stage is more terrible than the past stage as indications steadily deteriorate and turn out to be more recognizable. [2]

And remember, the risk of developing chronic kidney disease increases if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, or if you have a family history of kidney disease and kidney failure, or are over the age of 60, so if you have one of the previous risk factors, especially If you suffer from any of the following common signs and symptoms, it is necessary to have periodic tests to check your health status. Early diagnosis of kidney disease helps increase the rate of improvement and protects the kidneys from further damage. [3]

The main signs and side effects of kidney sickness

Swollen ankles, feet, or legs

Swelling in the ankles, feet, or legs is one of the first signs of kidney disease Imbalance of kidney function can lead to sodium retention resulting in swelling of the ankles, feet or legs Swelling in the lower extremities can be a symptom of kidney disease Heart, liver and varicose veins as well, so these symptoms should not be ignored.

Puffiness around the eyes

Periorbital oedema is a swelling or puffiness around the eyes caused by fluid buildup in cells or tissues and is one of the first signs of kidney disease. This is due to the accumulation of fluid outside the blood vessels in many locations, especially around the eyes.

General Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the general symptoms of kidney disease, and with the development of the disease, this symptom becomes more clear, as the patient feels tired and exhausted more than normal days and it can develop into the inability to do strenuous activities and therefore the need for frequent breaks, due to the accumulation of toxins and impurities in the blood due to poor kidney function, and because fatigue is a non-specific symptom, it is often overlooked by many patients.


Loss of appetite is a common symptom, but the accumulation of toxins caused by poor kidney function could be one of the reasons. As the disease progresses, a person may notice a change in taste and a metallic taste in the mouth as well as a feeling of fullness despite not eating during the day.

Nausea and vomiting in the morning

are also the first signs of kidney disease, feeling sick in the morning when waking up from sleep or when brushing teeth, and it also plays a major role in the loss of appetite, and with the progression of the disease to the later stages, the patient suffers from episodes of periodic vomiting and complete loss of appetite.

Anaemia A patient with kidney disease looks pale due to a low haemoglobin level. Anaemia is a common complication of kidney disease, and it can cause tiredness and fatigue.

Change in urination

What happens to the body if the kidneys stop working? When the kidneys are not working properly, urination problems occur such as the need to urinate frequently or blood in the urine, the patient may also notice bubbles or foam in the urine during urination, and this is an indication of the presence of protein in the urine due to a defect in the function of the kidneys .

Dry and itchy skin The kidneys perform many important functions in the body, for example, removing waste and extra fluid from the body, helping in the formation of red blood cells, helping to maintain healthy bones, and maintaining the right amount of minerals in the blood. Symptoms of bone disease are associated with advanced kidney disease where the kidneys are unable to maintain the correct balance of minerals in the blood.

High blood pressure High blood pressure

maybe a sign of kidney disease, so people with high blood pressure should have a kidney function test and kidney function imaging to make sure the kidneys are healthy even in the absence of symptoms or signs of a kidney malfunction. Sodium and water retention caused by poor kidney function can lead to high blood pressure. Symptoms of high blood pressure include headache, abdominal pain and, in some cases, symptoms of kidney disease. [4]

Are the symptoms of kidney disease different in men and women?

Although both may have the same signs and symptoms, kidney disease develops differently in men and women.
  • Urinary tract and kidney infections are more common in women leading to kidney disease, and the risk of kidney disease increases in women due to pregnancy problems such as high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.
  • Women are generally more likely to develop kidney disease while in men the disease may progress to later stages of kidney disease or kidney failure faster. Due to differences in the level of hormones, high levels of testosterone may cause decreased kidney function.
  • The risk of kidney disease in both men and women can be reduced by maintaining a healthy weight, controlling blood sugar, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Regardless of gender, all people should take appropriate measures to maintain a healthy kidney. [5]
