Recent research shows that it might also have potential benefits as an anti-inflammatory and weight-loss aid. Scientists at Penn State University found that adding turmeric to your diet may help you burn fat. The study included participants who followed an intensive weight loss plan for six weeks. They were split into two groups: the control group and the trial group, which received curcumin supplements each day. The results showed that those in the trial group lost more weight than those in the control group. However, both groups demonstrated decreased body fat percentage and increased lean muscle mass, suggesting that turmeric supplementation was effective in all aspects of weight loss.
of Turmeric as a Weight-Loss Aid
Turmeric is a popular spice that has been used for thousands of years. Recent research shows that it might also have potential benefits as an anti-inflammatory and weight-loss aid. Scientists at Penn State University found that adding turmeric to your diet may help you burn fat. The study included participants who followed an intensive weight loss plan for six weeks. They were split into two groups: the control group and the trial group, which received curcumin supplements each day. The results showed that those in the trial group lost more weight than those in the control group. However, both groups demonstrated decreased body fat percentage and increased lean muscle mass, suggesting that turmeric supplementation was effective in all aspects of weight loss.
What is turmeric?
Turmeric is a spice that often comes in a yellow-orange powder. It has been used for thousands of years and has many health benefits including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties.
Does turmeric help weight loss?
Recently, scientists at Penn State University found that it might also have potential benefits as an anti-inflammatory and weight-loss aid. They tested the effects of curcumin supplements on participants who followed an intensive weight loss plan for six weeks. Those in the trial group lost more weight than those in the control group. However, both groups demonstrated decreased body fat percentage and increased lean muscle mass, suggesting that turmeric supplementation was effective in all aspects of weight loss.
If you're looking to get into shape or lose some pounds, this is one new way to try! For more information on how turmeric can potentially help your goals, check out this article:
How does turmeric work?
The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to have a wide range of benefits. It is thought to reduce inflammation and help the body battle cancer cells. More recent research has found that it may also suppress appetite and aid in weight loss.
Curcumin works by increasing the production of adiponectin, which regulates the metabolic rate and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Curcumin also affects brown fat tissue production--your body's natural energy stores. When you exercise, your body generates heat. Brown fat tissue helps your body generate heat when you're at rest or working out. This way, you can maintain a consistent internal temperature without having to shiver or sweat like other animals do.
Is turmeric safe to use for weight loss?
A turmeric is a safe option for weight loss. It contains compounds called curcuminoids that have anti-inflammatory properties. Curcuminoids inhibit the production of inflammatory molecules, which can help speed up weight loss and prevent or reduce diseases like diabetes, arthritis, and obesity.
Additionally, some studies show that curcumin may also lower cholesterol levels. Turmeric also has no adverse effects on blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, so it is considered safe to use as a diet aid. The only potential side effect is minor gastrointestinal discomfort when taking higher doses of turmeric.
Turmeric is a common spice found in many different cuisines. It is used in many recipes for its unique flavour, colour, aroma and healing properties.
But does turmeric help with weight loss?
The answer might surprise you.
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